Trays and plates to suit all tastes !

For breakfast or dinner, on your own, as a couple or with friends, our plates and trays are at your disposal !

Packaging : Tray from 250 gr to 500 gr and plate from 80gr to 250gr.

Weight : portion of 20 to 40gr for plates and block of 50gr to 100gr for trays and much more...

Format: square / rectangular

  • Comté

  • Emmental

  • Beaufort

  • Bleu

  • Brebis

  • Cantal

  • Cheddar rouge

  • Cheddar blanc

  • Fromage à tartiflette

  • Mimolette

  • Mozzarella

  • Raclette

  • Reblochon

  • Saint Nectaire

  • Edam

  • Munster

  • Morbier

  • Goat

  • Gouda cumin

  • Provolone

  • And much more